Environmental Scan and Research Report: FASD – Supporting Inuit Families and Communities

We would like to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to the many people who contributed to this report.

Primarily, we would like to thank the community members, service providers, and key informants who took the time to share their knowledge and stories with us. This work could not have been completed without their participation.

This report was a collaborative effort of a research team that worked to design, implement and complete the work. This includes core team members from Pauktuutit and Firelight Research Inc. who worked together to design the research methods, traveled to Nunavik and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region to facilitate and carry out focus groups and interviews, conducted virtual interviews, and provided analysis and writing support. Crystal Martin-Lapenskie from Okpik Consulting aided in the virtual interviews and engagement and provided critical report support at a time when the pandemic caused the report to shift from an in-person to virtual setting.

Lastly, we would like to especially acknowledge all of the Inuit families across Inuit Nunangat and Canada who are impacted by FASD, those with suspected or confirmed FASD, those who are caregivers, and those providing essential services to others affected by FASD. 

Project Details

Department: Health
Year Published: 2021