The National Voice of Inuit Women
Pauktuutit is the national representative organization of Inuit women in Canada and is governed by a 15-member Board of Directors from across Canada. We foster greater awareness of the needs of Inuit women, advocate for equality and social improvements, and encourage Inuit women’s full participation in the community, regional and national life of Canada.
Pauktuutit has been advocating for the social, cultural, political, and economic betterment of Inuit women, their families, and communities since 1984, building a rich history.
As Interim President, I am proud to contribute alongside our Board of Directors. I invite you to learn more about the realities of Inuit women and the work Pauktuutit does by reading about our mandate, advocacy, and department projects.
By working with government, community leaders and Inuit organizations, we support Inuit women to reach their full potential in safe, happy communities.
Nancy Etok, Interim President.
Call for Nominations - Pauktuutit Board of Directors
Pauktuutit is seeking nominations for board members from across Inuit Nunangat and urban areas. Submit your nomination today and make a lasting impact on the future of Inuit women in Canada.
UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
Pauktuutit has created Inuit specific resources to empower Inuit woman, girls, and gender diverse to stand up for their rights.
Engaging Young Men and Boys In Inuit Parenting Life Skills
The Ajuqiqtuq Parenting Life Skills Toolkit provides facilitators with resources to conduct workshops that combat harmful gender norms and advance gender equality. Participants gain practical skills for maintaining healthy relationships, managing anger, and coping with the stress of parenting.
Improving Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Service across Inuit Nunangat
This report outlines what happened and what was decided at the National Inuit Midwifery Forum. This is part of ongoing efforts to develop a National Inuit Midwifery Framework, based on the belief that sexual and reproductive health are inherent human rights, and that Inuit are entitled to high-quality, evidence-informed, and culturally safe care.
Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence and the Family Justice System Response
The Saimaniik Toolkit addresses the overrepresentation of Inuit women in experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) and the barriers they face in accessing support. It aims to enhance understanding among justice practitioners of the historical and current contexts shaping these experiences, providing practical strategies to help Inuit communities deal with IPV.
Inuit Women in Business Network
The purpose of the IWBN is to connect Inuit women across Inuit Nunangat who own a business or are interested in starting one – no experience required! The IWBN is made by Inuit businesswomen for Inuit businesswomen and anyone is welcome to join!
Inuit-Specific GBA+ Framework
It is a strengths-based tool ensuring that an Inuit-specific GBA+ lens is applied consistently and in consultation with Pauktuutit. It is based on the understanding that Inuit women, gender-diverse people and their communities have existing strengths, experience, and capabilities that make them adaptable and vibrant.
Meeting Survivors’ Needs: Gender-Based Violence Against Inuit Women and the Criminal Justice System
Gender-based violence refers to physical and sexual assaults against women and is a serious issue for Inuit women of all ages. The criminal justice system has been granted a key role in responding to this violence.
NATIONAL INUIT ACTION PLAN on Missing and Murdered Inuit Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People
The National Inuit Action Plan is dedicated to missing and murdered Inuit women, girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people and their families, friends and communities that have experienced these relentless tragedies.
The Red Amautiit Project
To mark the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Two-Spirit People (MMIWG2S) on May 5, 2023, Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada has unveiled The Red Amautiit Project.
This project serves to honour the lives and legacies of the Missing and Murdered Inuit Women, Girls, and gender-diverse Inuit and to raise awareness of the ongoing violence.
Beauty in Brain Difference: A Campaign to End FASD Stigma
Our ‘Beauty in Brain Difference’ campaign is grounded in recognizing the strengths and challenges unique to people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Together let’s end FASD stigma and ensure all Inuit have support, care and community.
Let’s Talk about Ujarak: a Cannabis Harm Reduction Toolkit
Let’s Talk About Ujarak is a cannabis resource toolkit, guided by Inuit values and created to help Inuit increase their knowledge about cannabis use and how to reduce possible harms.
Ikajuqatigiiniq: Inuit Youth Pathways to Violence Prevention
To further our work toward improving Inuit youth and families’ safety and awareness, and by enhancing the empowerment of Inuit girls and engaging boys in violence prevention, Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada delivered Ikajuqatigiiniq: Inuit Youth Pathways to Violence Prevention, a four-day leadership virtual camp, which sought out Inuit youth participants from across Inuit Nunangat and urban centres.
Pilimmaksarniq is the result of a five-year Engaging Inuit Men and Boys in Ending Violence Against Women and Girls project meant to increase awareness and to strengthen coping skills among Inuit men and boys in an effort to reduce gender-based violence within Inuit communities.
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