The National Voice of Inuit Women

Pauktuutit is the national representative organization of Inuit women in Canada and is governed by a 15-member Board of Directors from across Canada. We foster greater awareness of the needs of Inuit women, advocate for equality and social improvements, and encourage Inuit women’s full participation in the community, regional and national life of Canada.


Pauktuutit has been advocating for the social, cultural, political, and economic betterment of Inuit women, their families, and communities since 1984, building a rich history.

As Interim President, I am proud to contribute alongside our Board of Directors. I invite you to learn more about the realities of Inuit women and the work Pauktuutit does by reading about our mandate, advocacy, and department projects.

By working with government, community leaders and Inuit organizations, we support Inuit women to reach their full potential in safe, happy communities.

Nancy Etok, Interim President.

Latest News

Pauktuutit et la Société canadienne du cancer lancent de nouvelles ressources pour les prestataires de soins de santé traitant les patients inuits

Les prestataires de soins de santé disposent de nouvelles ressources qui présentent des façons de soutenir correctement les patients Inuits et leurs aidants et de leurs procurer des soins aux patients inuits. Résultat d’un partenariat de huit ans entre l’association Pauktuutit des femmes inuites du Canada (Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada) et la Société canadienne du cancer, de nouveaux modules d’apprentissage en ligne sont maintenant offerts pour augmenter la compréhension de la culture par les prestataires de soins, améliorer la communication entre les prestataires et les patients, assurer des traitements plus efficaces et sûrs du point de vue culturel, et finalement procurer une meilleure santé à la population inuite.

Pauktuutit and Canadian Cancer Society Launch New Resources for Healthcare Providers Treating Inuit Patients

Healthcare providers have a new resource that outlines ways to properly support and provide care to Inuit patients and their caregivers. The product of an eight-year partnership between Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada and the Canadian Cancer Society, new e-Learning modules are now available to increase the cultural understanding of healthcare providers, improve communication between providers and patients, ensure more culturally safe and effective treatment, and provide better health outcomes for Inuit.