Procurement Process and Training Development Project

Procurement Process and Training Development Project

Procurement Process and Training Development Project Project Description This comprehensive report, developed through extensive engagement with Inuit business owners, supportive organizations, and contracting agencies, aims to enhance supports for Inuit women in...
UNDRIP and Inuit Woman

UNDRIP and Inuit Woman

UNDRIP and Inuit Woman Project Description The “United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People” defines the rights that Indigenous peoples around the world deserve. UNDRIP is not a law, but it tells the Government of Canada how to make sure its laws do...
What is UNDRIP

What is UNDRIP

What is UNDRIP Project Description The “United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People” defines the rights that Indigenous peoples around the world deserve. UNDRIP is not a law, but it tells the Government of Canada how to make sure its laws do not harm...
EYMB Toolkit

EYMB Toolkit

EYMB Toolkit Project Description Ajuqiqtuq Parenting Life Skills Toolkit was developed to articulate and reinforce the benefits of preparing young Inuit men and boys to understand the skills needed to communicate and maintain healthy relationships, to learn about the...