Addressing Racism in the Health Care System

Project Description
Racism is an experience acutely felt by many Inuit women. This is especially true when they engage with the health care system where colonial and racist policies converge with erroneous assumptions based on negative stereotypes about Indigenous people.
This often means Inuit women experience sub-standard care, relative to other Canadians. It can also result in tragic outcomes for Inuit women, their families and communities.
Anti-racism is a process, a systematic method of analysis, and a proactive course of action rooted in the recognition of the existence of racism. A trauma-informed and distinctions-based approach, grounded through the lens of Inuit women and a GBA+ analysis, is critical to successfully address structural factors that continue to oppress Inuit in Canada, including when interacting with the health care system.
It is against this background that Pauktuutit presents its recommendations toward eliminating anti-Inuit racism in health care.
Project Details
Department Health
Year Published 2021