I feel fine, why should I get tested? Poster

Project Description
Project Details
Department Health
Year Published 2016
Also Available in Inuktitut
Contact Information
Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada
350 Sparks St. Suite 805,
Ottawa, ON K1R 7S8
T: 613-238-3977
Toll Free: 1-800-667-0749
For media inquiries:
Did you know that you can have hepatitis C for many years and not know it? Many people don’t! Hepatitis C is spread through infected blood to blood contact, for example by sharing a toothbrush or a razor with someone who has it. Finding out if you have it or not is as simple as a quick blood test. If you don’t have hepatitis C there are simple things you can do to protect yourself. If you do, there are many treatments available. In many cases it can be cured.
Department Health
Year Published 2016
Also Available in Inuktitut