I’m Happy Because I’m Safe: Fact Sheet (Teens 13-18)

Project Description
Raising public awareness of Inuit children and youth on the issue of online safety has been identified as a priority. Below are some selected results from an informal survey conducted by grade 7-12 students in Kugaaruk, Nunavut in October 2012. Of the 62 participants,
- 60% of females and 37% of males spend more than two hours a day on Facebook
- 40% of females and 53% of males agreed with the statement, “I wish my parents had more rules at home”
- 83% of females and 81% of males want to travel outside of Nunavut
- 83% of females and 67% of males report being bullied outside of school
- 71% of all students aged 16 and over have been peer pressured into doing something they didn’t want to do.[1]
Through the support and guidance of an advisory committee, the I’m Happy Because I’m Safe – Phase 2 project focused on creating factsheets and public service announcements (videos on YouTube, and audio for radio) to help Inuit better understand how to be safe online.
This project is designed for four audiences including kids ages four to nine, pre-teens ages 10-12, teens ages 13-18, as well as parents and guardians.
Project Details
Department Abuse Prevention
Year Published 2014
Also Available in Baffin, Nunavik, Innuinaqtun, Nunatsiavut