Inuit Cancer Project: Know Your Risk – Cancer Glossary Template

Project Description
Project Details
Department Health
Year Published 2013
Contact Information
Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada
350 Sparks St. Suite 805,
Ottawa, ON K1R 7S8
T: 613-238-3977
Toll Free: 1-800-667-0749
For media inquiries:
This report describes the results of nine focus groups conducted by Pauktuutit during the first year of the Inuit Cancer Project as well as a brief summary of the cancer workshop conducted during Pauktuutit’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) in March 2013. During the focus group sessions, a facilitator introduced different topics and asked questions and participants were invited to discuss their views and ideas. There were no right or wrong answers. Together with the workshop, the intent was to get a better understanding of the knowledge, attitudes, and the things Inuit do when cancer touches their lives. This information will help Pauktuutit design and deliver better tools and resources that meet the needs and values of Inuit.
Department Health
Year Published 2013