HIV AIDS Adapted Community Readiness Model

HIV AIDS Adapted Community Readiness Model

HIV AIDS Adapted Community Readiness Model Project Description Pauktuutit partnered with Dalhousie University on a project funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Researched, titled “Adapting the Community Readiness Model (CRM) for HIV/AIDS Prevention, Education...
Cancer Healing Circle Guide for Inuit

Cancer Healing Circle Guide for Inuit

Project Description This guide was created as part of our Inuusinni Aqqusaaqtara – My Journey cancer project and generously supported by the Canadian Cancer Society. Other cancer resources can be found on our website. There you will find the My Journey booklets,...
Role Model Nomination Form

Role Model Nomination Form

Project Description Youth, women and men, submit your story and join the role model campaign! Approximately six people from across Inuit Nunangat will be featured in a video and poster campaign that will share Inuit examples of healthy relationships and how to live...
Role Model Campaign Poster

Role Model Campaign Poster

Role Model Campaign Poster Project Details Department Abuse Prevention Year Published 2019 English PDF North Baffin PDF Nunavik PDF Inuvialuit - English PDF Nunavik - English PDF Nunavut - North Baffin PDF Nunavut - English PDF Nunatsiavut - English PDF Project...