Beauty in Brain Difference Discussion Guide

Beauty in Brain Difference Discussion Guide

The Beauty in Brain Difference FASD discussion guide is an accessible, introductory resource for people in positions of power that interact with Inuit with FASD, their families and caregivers. The intent is to provide needed background, context, and usable tips for...
FASD Toolkit

FASD Toolkit

This toolkit was designed to support people working in the fields of maternal health and FASD in educating and challenging the stigma too often associated with this spectrum disorder. Below you’ll find a variety of different tools that we encourage you to download and...
Community Report: FASD – Supporting Inuit Families and Communities

Community Report: FASD – Supporting Inuit Families and Communities

We would like to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to the many people who contributed to this report. Primarily, we would like to thank the community members, service providers, and key informants who took the time to share their knowledge and stories with...