Role Model Campaign Poster
Project Details
Department Abuse Prevention
Year Published 2019
Project Description
Youth, women and men, submit your story and join the role model campaign!
Approximately six people from across Inuit Nunangat will be featured in a video and poster campaign that will share Inuit examples of healthy relationships and how to live free of violence.
This Role Model Campaign seeks to encourage all people – including youth and elders – to share and learn more about what healthy relationships look like in the home, in the community, and in relationships with a boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse. To nominate a role model is to recommend someone who makes you feel safe, who teaches through their actions how to act and be peaceful and shows what it means to live a life free from violence. Those nominated must be 18 years of age or older and can have any gender identity.
The campaign is a way for community members across Inuit Nunangat to acknowledge someone in their daily life who demonstrates characteristics of Inuit societal values that foster healthy relationships, gender equality and a way of living free from violence.
Characteristics of a role model
Respectful of all people and the land, makes others feel safe, is trustworthy and treats everyone fairly
When experiencing conflict and you need support, they are trusted
Example: “I could tell them anything. I feel safe and I know they won’t gossip.”
When in a relationship, provides care and respect for their partner
Example: “No matter how they are feeling, they don’t judge, and they take the time to listen and support their partner. They live and share a life free of violence and harm.”
Ready to help
Always ready to help friends, family and the community
Offers to help someone who is experiencing violence at home
Example: “My neighbours noticed that I was facing challenges at home and came to ask me what she could do to help.”
Offers to help someone who is grieving
Example: “My friend noticed that I was going through a tough time and took the time to offer to go out for a long walk together.”
Ready and willing to share
Uses skills and knowledge to help those around them
A community member who is skilled at helping people resolve issues
Example: “My sister-in-law helped my brother and I to find positive solutions.”
A youth at school is attentive to others in the school yard
Example: “When kids start a fight my friend stops them, doesn’t take sides and helps those involved talk it out calmly.”
Welcoming and inclusive
Being welcoming, open and inclusive
A community member whose home offers a safe and welcoming environment
Example: “In their home I feel safe. They never shout. They work to find solutions.”
A community member who always ensures everyone’s participation in all activities, regardless of gender or age
Example: “Our shop teacher invites all students to work together. Girls and boys feel equally welcome and supported.”
Ready and willing to teach and learn
Learns and teaches by doing
An elder takes time to share lessons on how to keep harmony
Example: “After school, my grandmother shares stories to help me learn how to be responsible for my own actions.”
Girls and boys enjoy equal opportunities to feel safe
Example: “Our community hockey coach is honest and respectful and expects us to behave the same way on and off the ice.”