To mark the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Two-Spirit People (MMIWG2S) on May 5, 2023, Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada has unveiled The Red Amautiit Project.
This project serves to honour the lives and legacies of the Missing and Murdered Inuit Women, Girls, and gender-diverse Inuit and to raise awareness of the ongoing violence.
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Inuit women, girls, and gender-diverse Inuit are strong and vibrant.
Sadly, this group is more likely to experience violence than other women, girls, and gender-diverse people in Canada.
The impacts of violence and the loss of our loved ones pervade our society and are passed down from one generation to the next.

The Red Amauti is a symbol of remembrance.
The amauti (plural: amautiit) is a traditional Inuk woman’s parka fitted with a hood used for carrying infants.
Amautiit have been made and used for centuries, and for many, the knowledge and skill of sewing an amauti are passed down from generation to generation.
The design of an amauti varies according to region, but regardless of style, the garment is an unmistakable symbol of Inuit women.
“With this project, we pay tribute to our loved ones, while encouraging everyone to recognize the cycle of violence against Inuit women, girls and gender-diverse Inuit
and the need to work together to end that violence in our communities”
– Gerri Sharpe, President of Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada.
Inuit women, girls, and gender-diverse Inuit play several roles in our families and communities.
Far too many of them are missing and have been murdered and with this project, we want to honour their lives and legacies.
Many more are still at risk of violence. This is not a past problem, it’s our reality today.
We are entitled to the same standards of safety, health, education, justice, and physical, emotional, economic, social and cultural security enjoyed by all Canadians.

Change must be led by Inuit women, girls, and gender-diverse Inuit. In order to honour those we’ve lost and create a promising future for everyone across Inuit Nunangat and Inuit Nunangit (urban), action plans must reflect our voices.
The Red Amautiit
Red Amauti by Eunice Tunraluk from Arctic Bay, Nunavut
Red Amauti by Heather Angnatok from Nain, Nunatsiavut
Red Amauti by Shirley Elias from Inuvik, Inuvialuit
Red Amautii by Sarah Samisack from Inukjuak, Nunavik
Red Amauti by Nancy Pukinaq Aupaluktuq from Baker Lake, Nunavut
Healing work must be led by Inuit women and use an Inuit-specific, gender-based lens to be culturally appropriate and meaningful.
This will guide all Inuit to honour and remember missing and murdered women, girls, and gender-diverse Inuit while building a safer tomorrow.
Greater investments in violence and abuse prevention, new Inuit shelters and second-stage housing for women fleeing violence, as well as increased support for gendered and culturally appropriate healthcare are among Pauktuutit’s top priorities.

Read the full report:
National Inuit Action Plan on Missing and Murdered Inuit Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People