Budget 2021 : nouvelles positives pour les Inuites
De nouveaux fonds pour les maisons d’hébergement et les logements de transition, les soins aux enfants et l’éducation aideront à améliorer la sûreté et la sécurité économique des femmes et des filles inuites OTTAWA, 19 avril 2021 – Pauktuutit se réjouit du...Budget 2021 Positive News for Inuit Women
New funding for shelters and transition housing, childcare and education will helpimprove the safety and economic security of Inuit women and girls OTTAWA, April 19, 2021 – Pauktuutit in pleased to see funding for the construction and operation of transition housing...Pauktuutit Calls on the Federal Government to Fund Additional Inuit-Specific Shelters and Transition Housing for Women and Children in Budget 2021
Budget must also support continued COVID-19 emergency response and recovery for Inuit women, in Inuit Nunangat and urban centres April 16, 2021 – OTTAWA. Increased funding for the construction and operation of Inuit-specific shelters and second-stage transition...Presentation to the House of Commons Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs Re: Bill C-15 An Act Respecting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Gerri Sharpe, Vice-President Thursday, April 15, 2021 Introduction: Good morning, it is a pleasure to join you today from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. The passage of Bill C-15 is important to all Inuit women and girls in Canada. Thank you for...Study Finds More Than Half of Inuit Women Working in Extraction Industry Experience Sexual Harassment on the Job
Today, Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada released the results of a ground-breaking research study examining Inuit women’s economic security and prosperity as well as experiences of sexual violence and harassment while working in the resource extraction industry.