Pauktuutit statement following the written decision released on February 5, by Nunavut Justice of the Peace Joseph Murdoch-Flowers
The written decision released by Nunavut Justice of the Peace Joseph Murdoch-Flowers released on February 5th is very well received by Pauktuutit, Inuit Women of Canada.
Request for Proposals: Needs Assessment for Inuit-Specific Urban Women’s Shelter and Housing in Ottawa, ON – Researcher and Writer
The year-long participatory research project will culminate in a comprehensive needs assessment report. The report will identify barriers impacting Inuit women’s shelter usage.
Radical Shift in Policing Required to Address Gendered Violence Against Inuit Women
A report released today on the police response to gendered violence in Inuit Nunangat reveals systemic racialized policing, embedded across institutional policies and practices.
Notice 2020 Annual General Meeting
ADDENDUM: The AGM will take place February 25 and 26. The Board of Directors will be reporting on activities conducted during the 2018/19 fiscal year.
Request for Proposals – Cannabis in Our Communities: A Focus on Inuit Youth and Maternal Health and Well-being
The proposed project is innovative and will reach and target a largely underserved population: Inuit. Pauktuutit is responding to the need for public education, awareness, harm reduction and prevention initiatives that align with the social context of Inuit knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours around cannabis consumption, and in the context of a shifting Northern health, social and economic environment.