Nipimit Nanisiniq – Finding Voice

In February, 2016, Pauktuutit, with the support of Minister Carolyn Bennett and officials at Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, held a pre-consultation meeting in Ottawa that brought together Inuit family members, representatives of a number of regional and national Inuit organizations, subject matter experts and others.

 Pauktuutit’s Newest Cancer Resource

Inuusinni Aqqusaaqtara – My Journey  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Ottawa, ON (April 28, 2016) Pauktuutit Inuit women of Canada is pleased to announce the launch of a new online Inuit-specific cancer resource. Rebecca Kudloo, Pauktuutit’s President, commended this new online...

Response to the 2015 Speech from the Throne

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON (December 4, 2015) Pauktuutit welcomes the commitment made today by the federal government to address violence against indigenous women in its 2015 Speech from the Throne. “We are always a willing partner in working with others, and...

World AIDS Day, December 1, 2015

‘Getting to Zero. Zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS related deaths’  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON (December 1, 2015) December 1 is World AIDS Day and the beginning of Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week in Canada. On this day, and during the week...

Parliamentary Breakfast

This event will bring together the voices of Indigenous youth leaders about the realities of HIV/AIDS among Indigenous communities throughout Canada.