2018-19 Inuk Woman of the Year

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 29, 2019 OTTAWA – On January 17, Pauktuutit’s Board of Directors selected and announced its Inuk Woman of the Year. This year’s nominees are all deserving of recognition and represent just some of the diversity, strength and talent of...

Inuk Woman of the Year

Now is your chance to nominate an exceptional Inuk woman! Tell us about an Inuk woman you know who is Inspiring, Strong, Courageous, Selfless, Creative, Talented, Generous, Resourceful, or Successful Tell us about her so we can recognize her for her contributions to...

Pauktuutit’s Statement in Response to the Ike Haulli Case

Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada has no additional information regarding the Ike Haulli case other than what has been publicly released. Pauktuutit stands with victims and survivors of child sexual abuse. We recognize the courage and strength it takes for adults and children to talk about child sexual abuse and deeply commend those who have chosen to disclose.