Request for Proposal – Research on Midwifery Legislations

Pauktuutit’s Needs   Establishing access to midwifery as a cultural, sexual and reproductive health right is the foremost strategic priority of Pauktuutit’s health and wellbeing unit. Following the National Inuit Midwifery Forum, Pauktuutit recognizes the need for...

Request for Proposal – Comprehensive website refresh

Our Needs Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada, the national representative organization of Inuit women in Canada, is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced web design and development firms to undertake a comprehensive refresh of our current website. The purpose...

RFP – Inuit Women’s Shelter & Housing Advocacy Strategy

Our Needs Housing and shelter advocacy for Inuit women and gender-diverse Inuit is the foremost strategic priority of Pauktuutit’s Social & Economic Development unit. Following a period of significant growth, Pauktuutit has come to appreciate the need for strong,...

RFP – Inuit Women’s Housing Continuum

Our Needs Housing and shelter advocacy for Inuit women and gender-diverse Inuit is the foremost strategic priority of Pauktuutit’s Social & Economic Development unit. Following a period of significant growth, Pauktuutit has come to appreciate the need for strong...