FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (March 10, 2015 Ottawa, ON) Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami support the findings of a March 6, 2015, report released by the UN Commission on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women. The report finds that...
Friday, February 27, 2015 – Ottawa, Ontario – Inuit leaders spoke about physical violence in the home, the need for shelters and safe housing, and traditional justice today in Ottawa during the National Roundtable on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls....
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON (February 2, 2015) February 4 is World Cancer Day, when people around the world try to raise awareness about cancer. Each year, 8.2 million people die from cancer worldwide. Cancer is the second leading cause of death among Inuit...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 4, 2014 (Ottawa, ON) On September 15, 2014, the Honourable Kelly Leitch, Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, announced the federal government’s plan to address the issue of violence against Aboriginal women in Canada. Since...
“It takes the whole community to support change!” FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON (November 28, 2014) December 1 is World AIDS Day and the beginning of Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week in Canada. On this day, and during the week of December 1-6, 2014, Aboriginal people...
Leaders of National Aboriginal Organizations and Provincial and Territorial Representatives set date and start planning for a National Roundtable on Murdered and Missing Women Membertou, NS – October 22, 2014 – Today leaders from National Aboriginal Organizations and...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Pauktuutit Supports Call for National Roundtable on Violence Against Aboriginal Women August 28, 2014 (Ottawa, ON) Rebecca Kudloo, Pauktuutit President, is optimistic about provincial and territorial support for a national roundtable on violence...
Press Release_National Action Plan FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 28, 2014 (Ottawa, ON) Violence and abuse prevention have been priorities for Pauktuutit and its membership for 30 years. Pauktuutit supports the recent calls for a national action plan to address...
Press Release_Loretta Saunders FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 27, 2014 (Ottawa, ON) “On behalf of all Inuit women across Canada, as President of Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada I send our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of Loretta Saunders,” said...
Please view the PDF here FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Pauktuutit Observes National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women December 6, 2013 (Ottawa, ON) Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada encourages everyone to observe the National Day of Remembrance and Action...