National Inquiry Into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Lacks Inuk Commissioner
Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada expressed continued disappointment today at the lack of an Inuk Commissioner on the National Inquiry Into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. The Inquiry was launched this morning in Ottawa.
MEDIA ADVISORY : Pauktuutit Response to MMIWG National Inquiry
Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada will hold a press conference on Wednesday August 3, 2016 in Ottawa to respond to the launch of the National Inquiry Into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG)
Pauktuutit Statement on the National Inquiry on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 22, 2016 (Ottawa, ON) Pauktuutit shares the many increasing public concerns that are currently being expressed about the upcoming National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Today, Pauktuutit President Rebecca...Nipimit Nanisiniq Finding Voice: Federal Plans for a National Inquiry on MMIWG
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON (May 31, 2016) Pauktuutit welcomes the release of the recommendations from the federal government for the mandate, composition and process of the upcoming national inquiry. ‘I think they have done a very good job in compiling the many...Nipimit Nanisiniq – Finding Voice
In February, 2016, Pauktuutit, with the support of Minister Carolyn Bennett and officials at Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, held a pre-consultation meeting in Ottawa that brought together Inuit family members, representatives of a number of regional and national Inuit organizations, subject matter experts and others.