Pauktuutit is pleased to release, to Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and to other relevant Government of Canada Departments, Keepers of the Light. The work was funded by INAC, to inform arrangements between the Inuit women of Canada and the Government of Canada, regarding programs and services developed with and on behalf of Inuit women and their families, living in northern and southern communities.
Keepers of the Light outlines Pauktuutit vision for a strengthened partnership between Canadian Inuit women and the Government of Canada. It stands on its own as the substantive and comprehensive perspective of the autonomous national voice of Inuit women.
In addition, Keepers of the Light is drafted as one of three components of an INAC funded Inuit Action Plan. We understand that the other two are being prepared by Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and the Inuit Circumpolar Conference (Canada). We look forward to receiving these ITK and ICC contributions to the plan and to collaborating closely as together with colleagues in the Government of Canada we engage in the implementation phase of the important measures contained in all three components.
In the meantime, the matters raised in Keepers of the Light are urgent and have daily consequences in the lives of the women we serve and their families. We sincerely hope for an early, serious and positive consideration of and response to this document.