Inuit Youth Pathways to Violence Prevention

Johnathan Lewis

Katsua Truelove

Maggie Hutchison

Megan Dicker

Megan Lennie

Rebecca Hutchison

Thera Hunter
To further our work toward improving Inuit youth and families’ safety and awareness, and by enhancing the empowerment of Inuit girls and engaging boys in violence prevention, Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada delivered Ikajuqatigiiniq: Inuit Youth Pathways to Violence Prevention, a four-day leadership virtual camp, which sought out Inuit youth participants from across Inuit Nunangat and urban centres.
The camp included gender-mixed and gender-specific sessions to foster self-efficacy, self-confidence, and increase understanding of violence and gender-based violence. As well, participants were introduced to practical tools for socio-emotional health and well-being, and skills to live free from violence. The project delivered a four-day train-the-trainer sessions to the youth participants, the creation of a youth initiative toolkit, and a photovoice audio series created by the individual participants.
Ikajuqatigiiniq: Youth Initiatives Toolkit intends to assist Inuit youth across Inuit Nunangat and urban centers to develop and facilitate their own youth camp or activity. In this toolkit, you will find templates and resources to ease the republication of these youth-focused events. Given the need for flexibility and relevance to your community, the toolkit allows you to choose which resources are best applicable in your context and adapt it to create additional activities for your camp or activity.
The project was funded by First Nations and Inuit Health Branch and Family Violence Prevention Program (FVPP) – Indigenous Serviced Canada.

Johnathan Lewis

Katsua Truelove

Maggie Hutchison

Megan Dicker

Megan Lennie

Rebecca Hutchison