Crystal Martin

President & CEO of Okpik Consulting and Co-Founder of Indigenous Geographic

By banding together and lifting each other up, we have the ability to cultivate a resilient and formidable community of Inuit women in business.

As we evolve collectively, our strength grows exponentially.


Crystal Martin  is the President and CEO of Okpik Consulting, a 100% Inuit-owned consultancy business catering to the needs of the Inuit community across various service sectors. She established her business nearly seven years ago after recognizing a significant demand for Inuit-specific support, driven by the principle of Inuit for Inuit by Inuit. This approach is essential for effective community engagement, policy formulation, and program development, ensuring that the perspectives are authentically rooted in the Inuit experience. Over time, her business has evolved, and she has ventured into a partnership with Matt LeMay, a Métis filmmaker, to create Indigenous Geographic. This collaboration has enabled them to capture and amplify indigenous voices and perspectives in a distinctive manner, leading to profound impacts in raising awareness and fostering change. With approximately three years of operation under their belts, their organization has grown to collaborate with over 15 staff and subcontractors spanning across Canada

As she embarked on her journey with the IWBN, it was during its infancy stage, with only a few members and limited resources. However, Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada played a pivotal role in raising awareness of her business by featuring it and collaborating on projects, significantly expanding her network. Over time, IWBN has flourished, broadening its services and outreach. Witnessing the influx of numerous women into the network has been truly inspiring. Throughout her time with the Inuit Women in Business Network, she has gained invaluable insights about the power of solidarity and mutual support.