Budget Forecast

{Company Name:53}

{Company logo:83}
Founded: {Year company was founded:54}

{Nested Form:79:filter[1,3]:list}

{Company address:49.1} {Company address:49.2}
{Company address:49.3}, {Company address:49.4}, {Company address:49.6}
{Company address:49.5}

Budgeting and Operational Costs

There is no denying that running a company costs money. As a business owner, you need to understand what it costs to operate your business and be able to budget accordingly. Depending on the size of your business, if you are starting out, or if you have been in business for years, your expenses will vary year to year (and sometimes month to month!)

This tool will help you plan and demonstrate your business sales and expenses assumptions over the course of one month. You can revisit and adjust your figures as your business grows and you need to adjust your plan.

Business Information

Year company was founded
Company Address
Name(s) of who owns the company Title(s) of who owns the company Actions

Operational Costs (Expenses)

Each month you will incur any number of expenses depending on the type of business you have and where you are in setting up your business. You might have to pay for raw materials and supplies, office supplies, rent and utilities, internet expenses, and shipping. The following questions will guide you through which expenses you need to consider and account for as you determine your monthly operational costs.

If you do not have an expense in any of the following categories, please indicate ‘0’.

Estimate what you will spend on bookkeeping or accounting fees, and legal fees, each month. It is important to note some of these fees, such as legal fees, may only need to be accounted for once a year or periodically throughout the year. If this is a yearly cost for you, please divide by 12 and enter the monthly cost.
Description of expense Expense Actions
Accounting & Legal
{Nested Form:25:filter[1]} {Nested Form:25:filter[6.2]}

What will you spend each month on advertising? This could include print, radio/TV, social media, etc.
Description of expense Expense Actions
{Nested Form:13:filter[1]} {Nested Form:13:filter[6.2]}

What will you spend each month for professional dues or subscriptions? This may include subscriptions to computer software or online accounts, such as Microsoft 365 Business.
Description of expense Expense Actions
Dues and Subscriptions
{Nested Form:26:filter[1]} {Nested Form:26:filter[6.2]}

How much will you spend each month on insurance for your business? For example, property/fire insurance, professional liability coverage, workers' compensation, etc.
Description of expense Expense Actions
{Nested Form:27:filter[1]} {Nested Form:27:filter[6.2]}

How much will you spend each month for an internet connection (website and / or email) related to your business?
Description of expense Expense Actions
Internet Expenses (email and web)
{Nested Form:28:filter[1]} {Nested Form:28:filter[6.2]}

How much will you spend each month for office supplies? Include items such as leasing fees for computers, printers, and other hardware; costs for furniture (e.g. desks and chairs), etc.
Description of expense Expense Actions
Office Supplies (incl furniture)
{Nested Form:29:filter[1]} {Nested Form:29:filter[6.2]}

How much will you spend each month on salary and wages? Include casual and permanent employees, as well as contractors.
Description of expense Expense Actions
Salary and Wages
{Nested Form:30:filter[1]} {Nested Form:30:filter[6.2]}

How much will you spend each month for postage and shipping fees for your business?
Description of expense Expense Actions
Salary and Wages
{Nested Form:31:filter[1]} {Nested Form:31:filter[6.2]}

What is the monthly cost for rent for your business? If you run your business from home, estimate the rental cost based on the percentage of your home that is dedicated to the business (e.g. monthly rent is $1000; estimate 20% of the home is used for business, therefore monthly business rent is $200).
Description of expense Expense Actions
Rent / Lease
{Nested Form:32:filter[1]} {Nested Form:32:filter[6.2]}

Provide a total monthly cost for the sum of the following expenses:
  • property tax on your business premises;
  • business license;

  • other similar expenses.
Description of expense Expense Actions
Taxes and Licenses
{Nested Form:33:filter[1]} {Nested Form:33:filter[6.2]}

What is the monthly cost for your telephone service? This could include a land line, cell phone, etc.
Description of expense Expense Actions
{Nested Form:34:filter[1]} {Nested Form:34:filter[6.2]}

What will you spend each month on travel and accommodations related to your business? Include items such as air travel, ground travel, car expenses, fuel, hotels, meals while travelling, etc.
Description of expense Expense Actions
Travel and Accommodations
{Nested Form:35:filter[1]} {Nested Form:35:filter[6.2]}

How much will you spend on utilities each month for your business, excluding internet and telephone? Include items such as water, heat, gas, electricity, etc. If you run your business from home, estimate the cost based on the percentage of your home that is dedicated to the business (e.g. monthly utilities are $1000; estimate 20% of the home is used for business, therefore monthly utilities are $200).
Description of expense Expense Actions
{Nested Form:36:filter[1]} {Nested Form:36:filter[6.2]}

How much will you spend each month to bring in supplies or products that your business sells?
Description of expense Expense Actions
{Nested Form:37:filter[1]} {Nested Form:37:filter[6.2]}

If you have paid money to start up your business, such as establishing a website, ordering stationery like brochures and business cards, purchasing an accounting program, etc., estimate what the cost per month is for these items.
Description of expense Expense Actions
Start Up Costs
{Nested Form:38:filter[1]} {Nested Form:38:filter[6.2]}

If you plan to borrow money to help your business get up and running, how much will the monthly payments be?
Description of expense Expense Actions
{Nested Form:39:filter[1]} {Nested Form:39:filter[6.2]}

What will you spend each month for banking fees? Include items such as account fees, cheques, merchant fees for credit card processing, etc.
Description of expense Expense Actions
Banking Fees and Expenses
{Nested Form:58:filter[1]} {Nested Form:58:filter[6.2]}

Price: $ 0.00 CAD

Expected Revenue & Profit

Revenue is the income generated through a business' primary operations. Net profit is the value that remains after all expenses are subtracted from the company's revenue.

How much revenue do you expect to bring in each month? You may use an annual amount and divide it by 12 to estimate monthly revenue.
Description of revenue Revenue Actions
Monthly Revenue
{Nested Form:43:filter[1]} {Nested Form:43:filter[6.2]}

Price: $ 0.00 CAD

Price: $ 0.00 CAD

This report is not intended to be a complete application for funding, nor does Pauktuutit collect any information from this tool(Required)
This report is not intended to be a complete application for funding, nor does Pauktuutit collect any information from this tool