Injury Prevention – Active and Safe
Project Description
This project worked with youth in four communities, one community in each Inuit land claim area that had participated in Journey to the Teachings (JTT) injury prevention training: Nunavik, Quebec; Nunatsiavut, Newfoundland and Labrador, Atlantic region; Inuvialuit, Northwest Territory and Nunavut (Northern Region). Journey to the Teachings was adapted to a three-day workshop specifically for youth. In each community youth were provided with various media to develop youth injury prevention messages around injury prevention related to recreation and sports to include but not limited to: skidoo use, all terrain vehicle use, boating, etc. This allowed youth to be active partners in programs and activities that affect them. Youth are the experts in how to talk to youth and are very innovative in how to get the message out. Engaging youth has always been a challenge for adults when approached from an adult perspective but if youth are provided with a venue to express themselves and offered the option of medium to develop Inuit specific messaging for youth the results will be positive and long-lasting. Messaging is directed to youth by youth. The final products have been shared with all Inuit communities via the Pauktuutit website and Youtube.
During the project, Pauktuutit partnered with all regional governments, land claim organizations and community leadership.
Published: 2013