Keepers of the Light

Keepers of the Light

Keepers of the Light outlines Pauktuutit vision for a strengthened partnership between Canadian Inuit women and the Government of Canada. It stands on its own as the substantive and comprehensive perspective of the autonomous national voice of Inuit women.

Traditional Inuit Pregnancy and Childbirth Poster

Traditional Inuit Pregnancy and Childbirth Poster

Project Description Traditional childbirth practices were intrinsic to the Inuit way of life and crucial to maintaining the social fabric of Inuit communities. The bonds within the family and community were thus reinforced and intensified much beyond the birth event,...
Our Ancestors Never Smoked Flipchart

Our Ancestors Never Smoked Flipchart

Project Description Part 1 of this book contains short quotations from Elders’ interviews divided into key themes that emerged from the interviews. In Part 2, we present each Elder’s complete interview. The interviews from Puvirnituq were conducted in Inuktitut and...
Our Ancestors Never Smoked Book

Our Ancestors Never Smoked Book

Our Ancestors Never Smoked Book Project Description Part 1 of this book contains short quotations from Elders’ interviews divided into key themes that emerged from the interviews. In Part 2, we present each Elder’s complete interview. The interviews from Puvirnituq...
Our Ancestors Never Smoked Poster

Our Ancestors Never Smoked Poster

Project Description Part 1 of this book contains short quotations from Elders’ interviews divided into key themes that emerged from the interviews. In Part 2, we present each Elder’s complete interview. The interviews from Puvirnituq were conducted in Inuktitut and...