Addressing Inuit Women’s Economic Security and Prosperity in the Resource Extraction Industry
Inuit women have been working in the resource extraction industry for decades, often representing the largest proportion of female workers at mines in the North (Pauktuutit and UBC 2016). Historically, these worksites have been male-dominated, which can expose Inuit women to unequal opportunities in economic security and prosperity, as well as experiences of sexual violence and harassment in the workplace.

Pauktuutit is proud to share a series of infographics highlighting steps that governments and the resource extraction industry must take to enhance existing workplace policies and procedures and improve the safety and well-being of Inuit women.
These infographics are the final piece of our three-year project, Addressing Inuit Women’s Economic Security and Prosperity in the Resource Extraction Industry. The infographics focus on making industry workplaces safer for Inuit women so that they can continue to benefit from, and contribute to, this significant labour market sector.

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Download Inuivialuit Infographic

Download South Baffin Infographic