September 24, 2012 (Ottawa, ON) Elisapee Sheutiapik announced today that she will be resigning from the Pauktuutit Board of Directors and from the position of Pauktuutit President, effective immediately. “I have greatly enjoyed the opportunity to contribute to the direction and growth of Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada, but I have submitted my resignation to move on with a new chapter in my life.” Sheutiapik was first elected to represent Iqaluit in 2008, and was elected President in 2009.

“Among my accomplishments at Pauktuutit was leading the development of a 10-year strategic plan to guide priorities related to violence and abuse prevention, health and socio-economic development. I have every confidence in the Board as they continue to lead the organization, and greatly appreciate their support and friendship during my time on the Board.”

Other initiatives championed by Sheutiapik during her time as President included participating in the D’Allaire Roundtable on the Commercial Exploitation of Children, leading the Inuit delegation to the 2011 Forum on Violence Against Aboriginal Women in Vancouver, BC, and representing ITK nationally on the Violence Against Aboriginal Women Forum, and the Violence Against Aboriginal Women Sub Committee of the provincial/territorial Aboriginal Affairs Working Group.

Vice President Rebecca Kudloo of Baker Lake, Nunavut, will be taking on the position of President on an interim basis pending the next full meeting of the Board of Directors, anticipated to be held in September, 2012. Pauktuutit will also be seeking a representative for Iqaluit at that time.

Ms. Kudloo has been a long-serving member of the Pauktuutit Board representing the Kivalliq region, and also served as Interim President of Qulliit Nunavut Status of Women Council and was Vice President of the NWT Status of Women Council. Ms. Kudloo has also been the long-term Chair of Mianiqsijit, a community-based organization that provides family violence counselling services in Baker Lake. “Pauktuutit has always been

very important to me, and I look forward to meeting new and emerging challenges such as the impacts of resource extraction in our communities. We held a workshop at our last AGM in March and received input directly from women in all regions about what they see as the social and health priorities to be addressed in this context. We will continue to address violence and abuse prevention, and the range of health and wellness priorities of Inuit women and their families.” Kudloo added “I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Elisapee for her vision and leadership during her term, and look forward to staying in touch.”

For interviews, please contact:

Linda Arsenault-Papatsie
613-238-3977 ext 230