Survey Design, Development, and Analysis

Deadline for submissions: December 9, 2019

Statement of Work


Meeting Survivors’ Needs: Gender Based Violence and the Criminal Justice System in Inuit Nunangat


Pauktuutit fosters greater awareness of the needs of Inuit women, advocates for equality and social improvements, and encourages Inuit women’s full participation in the community, regional and national life of Canada.

Violence and abuse prevention have been among Pauktuutit’s top three priorities since 1984. With the guidance and support of Pauktuutit’s Board of Directors and membership, the Violence and Abuse Prevention department addresses a broad range of issues as they relate to the safety and well-being of women and children, including family violence, sexual abuse of children, elder abuse, human trafficking, administration of justice and victims’ rights.


Gender-based violence (GBV) is a serious and complex social issue that has been largely ignored, avoided, and or minimized for a long time.  Owing to women and feminist movement there is a growing understanding that violence against women is a violation of human rights and a hinderance to gender equality.

In response to this normative shift, there was a large expansion of shelter facilities and services for women experiencing violence and abuse. These advancements, while significant, have not been meaningfully realized by Inuit women across Inuit Nunangat. The failure of the government in Canada to address and remedy the disadvantaged social and economic conditions in which Inuit women and girls live leaves them exceedingly vulnerable to violence and unable to escape it.  Synchronously, the justice system fails to protect Inuit women and girls from violence as well as effectively prosecute and punish perpetrators.

To address this issue “Meeting Inuit Survivors’ Needs: An Inuit Nunangat Multi-Community Study of Gender-Based Violence and the Criminal Justice System” research project proposes to undertake an in-depth analysis of Inuit women’s experiences with the criminal justice system as victims of gender-based violence across Inuit Nunangat to increase awareness and understanding of the needs, challenges and service gaps that face Inuit women.

 Goals of the Project

The research aims to collect the diverse lived experiences of Inuit victims of gender-based violence to provide an evidence-based assessment of the criminal justice system with the goal of advancing effective crime prevention and criminal justice strategies that appropriately address violence against Inuit women, including strategies aimed at preventing re-victimization.

The research seeks to garner a deep understanding, based on the lived experience of Inuit women and youths as they articulate it, of whether the criminal justice system meets the needs of Inuit victims. The overarching objective of the research is to offer policy recommendations aimed at improving the criminal justice response by improving Inuit women’s access to justice and their confidence in the justice system.

Scope, Specifications of Work and Deliverables

This is an open call to individuals, firms, or organizations to provide a comprehensive proposal to design, develop, and analyze an online survey, available to all Inuit women across the four regions of Inuit Nunangat. The survey will:

  • measure Inuit women’s level of knowledge of their legal rights as victims of crime
  • understand Inuit women’s experiences, interests and knowledge of their rights as victims of crime in the criminal justice process
  • assess Inuit women’s overall levels of comprehension, acceptance, confidence and impressions of the criminal justice system
  • assess Inuit women’s baseline level of understanding of their legal rights, the legal protections available to them, and their legal options in and out of court
  • determine how Inuit victims/survivors personally understand justice and how this applies to various aspects of the criminal justice processes and outcomes achieved.

The survey results will support Pauktuutit to develop an effective multimedia resource campaign to address Inuit women’s safety needs, identify their legal issues, support them to make informed decisions about legal action, and to find the right legal help.

Applicants must demonstrate an understanding of Inuit culture, experience in survey design and analysis, and the ability to produce culturally-appropriate work.

We encourage the submission of proposals from Inuit or Indigenous researchers and organizations.

Additionally, the successful applicant/s will be required to:

  • participate in project meetings and teleconferences as appropriate;
  • support project related work where necessary;
  • provide progress updates as requested; and,
  • submit all final project documents upon completion.


  • bids accepted until December 9, 2019.
  • contract begins December 16, 2019.
  • delivery of final draft of the survey by January 17, 2019.
  • survey analysis deadline to be determined in consultation with successful consultant.

Pauktuutit’s Roles and Responsibilities

The primary contact at Pauktuutit for this project is Raha Ravasian, Project Manager ( Pauktuutit commits to provide the information and materials necessary to complete the work and will respond to requests for information in a timely fashion.

Pauktuutit will provide a decision within five business days.

Confidentiality, Privacy and Copyright

The successful applicant shall not disclose to any party any confidential information gained or resulting from activities undertaken under this project, nor shall the applicant disclose any information concerning Pauktuutit or their affairs where such information is obtained through this Project.

Pauktuutit and the successful applicant will agree to publicly and mutually acknowledge and accord appropriate credit for each other’s contribution in this project, including any products developed and disseminated as a result. Both parties will come to an agreement on how credit is attributed, depending on the nature and degree of each organization’s contribution.

It is understood that Pauktuutit retains ownership of any and all materials and intellectual property created, designed, or produced as a result of activities undertaken by the successful applicant when awarded this project.

It is understood that the successful applicant will generate original work for this project.

Proposal Instructions

  • Applicants must submit their company name, and confirm their incorporation, references, and/or portfolio;
  • Submit by email to
  • Word format or PDF;
  • Estimates/budgets must remain firm until March 31, 2020;
  • No payment will be made for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a proposal in response to this RFP;
  • No costs incurred before receipt of a signed contract can be charged to the proposed contract;
  • Travel that may be required will be separate from this scope of work budget and will be paid for by Pauktuutit; and,
  • Pauktuutit reserves the right not to award a contract as a result of this RFP.

The proposals shall be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • cost breakdown;
  • cultural relevancy;
  • schedule;
  • originality; and
  • feasibility.


The proposal must:

  • Include a detailed budget not to exceed $16,000 + HST and that demonstrates that the objectives and deliverables for the project can be met;
  • Indicate the billing rate;
  • List any other expenses that might be applicable; and
  • Total bid MUST include 13% HST tax.

Rights of the Organization

Pauktuutit reserves the right to:

  • Enter into negotiations with one or more bidders on any or all aspects of this proposal.
  • Accept any proposal in whole or in part.
  • Cancel and/or re-issue this requirement at any time.
  • Award one or more contracts.
  • Verify any or all information provided by the bidder with respect to this requirement.

Contact Information 

Please direct the application to:

Raha Ravasian, Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada
520 – 1 Nicholas St. Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7
613-238-3977 Ext. 263