Statement of Work


Inuit GBA+ framework to support equity of outcomes for Canadian Inuit Women


As the national voice for Inuit women in Canada, Pauktuutit fosters greater awareness of the needs of Inuit women, advocates for equality and social improvements, and encourages Inuit women’s full participation in the community, regional and national life of Canada. One component of advocating for the social, cultural, political and economic betterment of Inuit women, their families and communities is to ensure that the necessary policy tools are developed and applied in a manner that reflects the realities and needs of Inuit women.

One of the key policy tools used by the Government of Canada to understand the status of women is GBA+. Gender-based analysis is a process that provides a rigorous method for the assessment of systemic inequalities, as well as a means to assess how diverse groups of women, men, and gender diverse people may experience policies, programs and initiatives. The “plus” in GBA+ acknowledges that GBA+ is not just about differences between biological (sexes) and sociocultural (genders).1

Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women includes multiple calls to the federal government to amend their intake and data-collection policies and practices. These recommendations, specifically 5.24, 16.31 and 16.44, will be relevant in the development of this project.2

It is important that Inuit women be able to influence policies that affect their daily lives, to access programs and services that are available to help improve their quality of life, and to enjoy a quality of life that is comparable to other Canadian women. A framework that is Inuit specific which supports the development of indicators based on Inuit laws and knowledge is an important step towards equity of outcomes for Inuit women.

Goals of the Project

Pauktuutit is currently in a formal working relationship at the policy level with the Federal Government department of Employment Skills Development Canada (ESDC). Joint priority issues are those that affect the well-being and safety of Inuit women, children, and families. A key component of delivering positive outcomes for Inuit women is the development of an Inuit-specific gender-based analysis plus (GBA+). This would result in an improved alignment of programming with Inuit women, children and families’ rights, needs and priorities.

Why do we need an Inuit specific GBA+ analysis tool with indicators?

This product is to be used primarily by federal, provincial, and territorial government departments but will also be relevant for Inuit representative organizations and other researchers.


This is an open call to individuals, firms, or organizations to propose the development of a framework foundation for an Inuit-specific GBA+ tool.

This initial work on GBA+ will be used as the front end and foundational component in the development of an Inuit specific GBA+ tool with indicators. It will include: a literature and resources review to tease out GBA+ components and thematic indicators. The requirement is a synthesis of works to provide a solid foundation from which to build the Inuit specific GBA+ tool by using Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit, feedback, and input from Pauktuutit staff, to develop a concept framework with corresponding indicators. This work will answer questions such as: what is the GBA+ theme?  How can the theme be arranged to use as a tool to determine if other resources are GBA+ compliant or sensitive? What are indicators for this theme?

Following the thematic drafting, and with input and guidance from key Pauktuutit staff and utilizing Inuit guiding IQ principles (Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit) the Inuit-specific GBA+ tool framework can be established.

This foundational document will notably be used to support the incorporation of Inuit laws – Maligait and Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit.


  1. A comprehensive report on the GBA+ themes with indicators derived from reviewing the various resources.
  • Each theme is to be independently and clearly listed.  It must include an overview of the theme, why it is considered a GBA+ theme for use as a tool, and the possible indicators that are specific for the theme.
  • A comprehensive framework of an Inuit specific GBA+ tool and indicators – the critical step in linking IQ to components of the GBA+ tool and indicators.

It is important for applicants to demonstrate an understanding of Inuit culture, the traditional and evolving nuances of Inuit women’s roles, in addition to the indicators unique to Inuit women. It is important that indicators ensure equitable consideration of all Inuit women.

Applicants must also have extensive experience working with Inuit and Inuit led organizations.  They must possess effective communication skills and methodology and have the proven expertise to produce culturally relevant work.


Research and Coordination
Literature review
Resource review
Literature and resource synthesis report draft
Research and report draft on Inuit Maligait, Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit and Inuit values (indicators)
Logistical coordination for a one-day engagement session – A session that will comply with any pandemic restrictions.
Supports for a one-day engagement session, including logistics and note-taking
Engagement sessions draft report with participant notes
Engagement and Report writing
Project management
Prepare for one-day engagement workshop, including preparation of possible options for GBA+ frameworks and indicators for discussion and consideration with staff
Delivery of a one-day engagement workshop – The session will comply with any pandemic restrictions.
Final report and framework for an Inuit specific GBA+ tool with indicators


The duration of the contract will be from November 30, 2020 to March 12, 2021.

  • Bids accepted until Nov 13, 2020;
  • Contract begins Nov 30, 2020;
  • Contract ends March 31, 2021.

Pauktuutit’s Roles and Responsibilities

The primary contact at Pauktuutit for this project is Christine Lund, Senior policy advisor, Social and Economic Development ( Pauktuutit commits to providing the information and materials necessary to complete the work and will respond to requests for information promptly.

Pauktuutit will provide all applicants with a final decision within five business days following the submission deadline.

Confidentiality, Privacy and Copyright

The successful applicant shall not disclose to any party any confidential information gained or resulting from activities undertaken under this project, nor shall the applicant disclose any information concerning Pauktuutit or their affairs while working on this project.

Pauktuutit and the successful applicant will agree to acknowledge and accord appropriate credit for each other’s contribution to this project, including any products developed and disseminated as a result. Both parties will agree on how credit is attributed, depending on the nature and degree of each organization’s contribution.

Pauktuutit retains ownership of all materials and intellectual property created, designed, or produced because of activities undertaken by the successful applicant when awarded this project.

The successful applicant will generate original work for this project.

Proposal Instructions

  • Applicants must submit their company name, and confirm their incorporation, references, and/or portfolio;
  • Submit by email to;
  • All submissions must be in Word or PDF format; and
  • Estimates/budgets must remain firm until March 31, 2021.

No payment will be made for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a proposal in response to this RFP;

  • No costs incurred before receipt of a signed contract can be charged to the proposed contract;
  • Travel that may be required will be separate from this scope of work budget and will be paid for by Pauktuutit; and,
  • Pauktuutit reserves the right not to award a contract because of this RFP.


The proposal must include:

  • A detailed budget not to exceed $34,500 including HST and demonstrates the objectives and deliverables for the project can be met;
  • Indicate the billing rate;
  • List any other expenses that might be applicable; and.
  • The total bid MUST include 13% HST tax.

Rights of the Organization

Pauktuutit reserves the right to:

  • Enter negotiations with one or more bidders on any or all aspects of this proposal;
  • Accept any proposal in whole or in part;
  • Cancel and/or re-issue this requirement at any time;
  • Award one or more contracts; and
  • verify any or all information provided by the bidder regarding this requirement.

Contact Information

Please direct the application to:

Christine Lund
Senior Policy Advisor, Social and Economic Development
Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada
520 – 1 Nicholas St., Ottawa ON K1N 7B7