OTTAWA, June 16, 2024—Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada proudly announces the launch of the Ajuqiqtuq Parenting Life Skills Toolkit, released on Father’s Day as part of our Engaging Young Men and Boys (EYMB) initiative. Ajuqiqtuq translates to “To teach, to know how” and is a toolkit designed to assist facilitators in conducting workshops focused on parenting life skills for young Inuit men and boys, aiming to foster healthier relationships, communication, and community involvement. This holistic approach seeks to decrease gender-based violence by actively involving men in the discussion.

Grounded in Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit, the Ajuqiqtuq Parenting Life Skills Toolkit helps facilitators conduct workshops aimed at combating harmful gender norms and advancing gender equality. Participants gain practical skills for maintaining healthy relationships, managing anger and stress, and promoting gender equality. This knowledge equips young fathers with effective coping strategies to manage the stress and frustration that can come with parenting.

“Engaging men in discussions about gender-based violence is vital for the well-being of our communities. The intergenerational effects of colonization have left many parents without the skills they need to cope with the stress of parenting. Creating environments where children can thrive is essential to overcoming intergenerational trauma. The Ajuqiqtuq Parenting Life Skills Toolkit is an important resource in this effort, helping young men and boys develop the skills they need to support their families and communities in a positive and healthy way.”

– Paige Kimiksana-Kreps, Secretary-Treasurer of Pauktuutit

Funded by the Department of Women and Gender Equality, and Indigenous Services Canada, the Ajuqiqtuq Parenting Life Skills Toolkit represents a crucial step towards empowering young Inuit men and boys to build healthier, safer communities.

Find the toolkit here:


Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada is the national non-profit organization representing all Inuit women in Canada. Its mission is to foster a greater awareness of the needs of Inuit women and gender-diverse people to encourage their participation in community, regional and national concerns in relation to social, cultural and economic development.

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