Statement of Work


Enhancing Inuit Women’s Economic Development


Inuit in Canada consistently experience lower economic participation levels than the national average. In 2012, the national average unemployment rate was approximately 7.3%, while for Inuit the average unemployment rate was more than double at 16%. The unemployment rate for Inuit women in 2012 across Inuit Nunangat was 16.2%, compared with 23.5% for Inuit men. Additionally, the labour market participation rate of Inuit women in Inuit Nunangat is 60%. To develop programs and services targeted to support Inuit women, a greater understanding of gendered needs, challenges and gaps across the Inuit Nunangat is required.

One of Pauktuutit’s most successful economic development initiatives has been the initiation and expansion of the Inuit Women in Business Network (IWBN). The IWBN has 141 members across Inuit Nunangat and the rest of Canada. While the IWBN’s development of business resources has directly been informed by Inuit businesswomen, it has been limited due to lack of ongoing program capacity.

Goals of the Project

This project will enhance operations and resources of the IWBN, in English and Inuktut, across Inuit Nunangat and the rest of Canada while receiving strategic direction on the organization’s broad economic development activities directly from Inuit women. This approach will facilitate the sharing of best practices, identifying pertinent economic development priorities as they relate to Inuit women and developing corresponding strategies.

The project will also build on Pauktuutit’s previous economic development initiatives such as the Mentorship Business Program, which connected women in earlier stages of business development to women with significant business experience. This new project will sustain mentorship matches for aspiring and/or established Inuit businesswomen and provide new business development tools and resources. Pauktuutit’s activities reflect the needs of Inuit women today and as such, the project will engage Inuit businesswomen and relevant partners such as regional economic development organizations across Inuit Nunangat and central urban areas with significant Inuit populations.


This is an open call to individuals, firms, or organizations to revise and update business development workshops to be delivered to communities across Inuit Nunangat. The workshops focus on the creation of a business plan, money and financial management, resource mapping, sales and marketing. The workshops must be updated and redesigned in a way that is culturally relevant, accessible, incorporates current business trends, and educational for current, new and aspiring Inuit businesswomen.

It is important for applicants to demonstrate an understanding of Inuit culture and the socio-economic realities of the North. Applicants must also have experience working with Inuit communities, actors and organizations, possess effective communication skills and methodology and have the proven expertise to produce culturally relevant work.


  • Updating and revision of five business development workshops: Business Plan, Money and Financial Management, Network Background, Resource Mapping, and Sales and Marketing.
  • Workshops must reflect the economic development programming available in the respective province/territory/Region and incorporate funding models/channels of each region in Inuit Nunangat.
  • Consulting relevant experts on the subject (e.g., economic development officers across Inuit Nunangat).
  • Creating a new and sixth workshop centered on requirements to succeed as a business in the North.
  • Workshops will be delivered by Pauktuutit and must reflect the organization’s approach to culturally appropriate work.

The successful applicants will be required to:

  • Participate in project meetings and teleconferences as appropriate;
  • Provide progress updates; and,
  • Submit all final project documents upon completion.


The duration of the contract will be from June 1, 2020 to August 7, 2020.

  • Bids accepted until June 1, 2020;
  • Contract begins June 15, 2020;
  • Completion of updated business development workshops July 31, 2020; and
  • Contract ends August 7, 2020.

Pauktuutit’s Roles and Responsibilities

The primary contact at Pauktuutit for this project is Lema Ijtemaye, Project Coordinator, Social and Economic Development Department ( Pauktuutit commits to providing the information and materials necessary to complete the work and will respond to requests for information promptly.

Pauktuutit will provide all applicants with a final decision within five business days following the submission deadline.

Confidentiality, Privacy and Copyright

The successful applicant shall not disclose to any party any confidential information gained or resulting from activities undertaken under this project, nor shall the applicant disclose any information concerning Pauktuutit or their affairs while working on this project.

Pauktuutit and the successful applicant will agree to acknowledge and accord appropriate credit for each other’s contribution to this project, including any products developed and disseminated as a result. Both parties will agree on how credit is attributed, depending on the nature and degree of each organization’s contribution.

Pauktuutit retains ownership of all materials and intellectual property created, designed, or produced because of activities undertaken by the successful applicant when awarded this project.

The successful applicant will generate original work for this project.

Proposal Instructions

  • Applicants must submit their company name, and confirm their incorporation, references, and/or portfolio;
  • Submit by email to;
  • All submissions must be in Word or PDF format; and
  • Estimates/budgets must remain firm until July 31, 2020.
    No payment will be made for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a proposal in response to this RFP;
  • No costs incurred before receipt of a signed contract can be charged to the proposed contract;
  • Travel that may be required will be separate from this scope of work budget and will be paid for by Pauktuutit; and,
  • Pauktuutit reserves the right not to award a contract because of this RFP.


The proposal must include:

  • A detailed budget not to exceed $22,000 including HST and demonstrates the objectives and deliverables for the project can be met;
  • Indicate the billing rate;
  • List any other expenses that might be applicable; and.
  • The total bid MUST include 13% HST tax.

Rights of the Organization

Pauktuutit reserves the right to:

  • Enter negotiations with one or more bidders on any or all aspects of this proposal;
  • Accept any proposal in whole or in part;
  • Cancel and/or re-issue this requirement at any time;
  • Award one or more contracts; and
  • verify any or all information provided by the bidder regarding this requirement.

Contact Information
Please direct the application to:

Lema Ijtemaye
Manager, Social and Economic Development
Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada
520 – 1 Nicholas St., Ottawa ON K1N 7B7
613-238-3977 ext. 245