Deadline for submissions: November 1, 2019

Statement of Work

Title: Pauktuutit History Project

Introduction: Pauktuutit has received funding for a project to commemorate Pauktuutit’s history as an organization. This history is intended to recognize and document Pauktuutit’s evolution and key accomplishments, as well as contribute to the real history of Canada. The primary audiences are anticipated to be the Inuit general public and Canadian general public.

Background: April 1, 2019 marked an important event in the history of Inuit. Thirty-five years ago, an organization was created that would have a profound effect upon the development of modern Inuit society. Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada has grown from modest origins to become a widely respected organization that has achieved remarkable success in improving the lives of Inuit women, their families and their communities.

Deriving its name from the wooden stakes that are used to stretch sealskins, Pauktuutit has brought together Inuit women from across Canada to achieve a single purpose – to promote and protect the rights of Inuit women. In many ways, the history of Pauktuutit is the history of modern Inuit women. Prior to its inception on April 1, 1984, Inuit women had no voice of their own, no agency with the mandate to look out for their best interests and to push for improvement of their lives. With the creation of Pauktuutit, Inuit women were able to raise their voices together, in harmony, and be heard from their local community councils to the vast chambers of Parliament Hill and conference halls around the world.

Goals of the Project: The broad goals of the Pauktuutit history project include:

  1. Fostering knowledge and conversation around the unique experiences of Inuit women in Canada;
  2. Contextualizing the history of Pauktuutit within broader Canadian history;
  3. Promoting intercultural understanding; and
  4. Educating and empowering Inuit.


This is an open call to individuals, firms or organizations to provide a comprehensive proposal for the development of design concepts for the Pauktuutit history project.

The design concepts should be culturally relevant and must be appropriate for multiple formats, including: book in print, pdf, e-book formats; visual and interactive timeline; and potentially, other promotional products.

The proposal must include the following elements:

  • Context;
  • Market and situation;
  • Objectives and goals;
  • Proposed process;
  • Proposed design concepts;
  • Roles and responsibilities;
  • Plan of action and schedule;
  • Cost breakdown and specific budget lines for activities; and
  • Other elements considered important.


  • Design an innovative and culturally relevant concept that is consistent with current Pauktuutit branding.
  • Concept must be useable in multiple formats, including print, digital, and promotional items.
  • This RFP is exclusive of printing/distribution.

In addition, the successful applicant will be required to:

  • Participate in the project meetings and teleconferences as appropriate;
  • Provide regular progress updates, analytics, evaluations, and lessons learned as required and on an ongoing basis; and
  • Provide all project documents and files (text, design, PowerPoint, etc.), raw footage and imagery (graphics, audio and video, illustrations, logos, photography, stock photos, fonts, etc.) upon completion of the contract and as requested by Pauktuutit.

The proposals shall be assessed according to the following criteria:

  1. cost breakdown;
  2. cultural relevancy;
  3. schedule;
  4. originality;
  5. feasibility; and
  6. pertinence.


The duration of the contract will be from November 18, 2019 – March 31, 2020.

  • bids accepted until November 1, 2019;
  • contract begins November 18, 2019;
  • contract ends March 31, 2020.

Pauktuutit’s Roles and Responsibilities

The primary contact at Pauktuutit for this project is Lindsey Bacigal, Communications Coordinator ( Pauktuutit commits to provide the information and materials necessary to complete the work and will respond to requests for information in a timely fashion.

Confidentiality, Privacy and Copyright

The successful applicant shall not disclose to any party any confidential information gained or resulting from activities undertaken under this project, nor shall the applicant disclose any information concerning Pauktuutit or their affairs where such information is obtained through this Project.

It is understood that Pauktuutit retains ownership of any and all materials and intellectual property created, designed, or produced as a result of activities undertaken by the successful applicant when awarded this project.

It is understood that the successful applicant will generate original work for this project.

Proposal Instructions

  • Applicants must submit their company name, and confirm their incorporation, references, and/or portfolio;
  • Submit by email to;
  • Word format or PDF;
  • Estimates/budgets must remain firm until March 31, 2020;
  • No payment will be made for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a proposal in response to this RFP;
  • No costs incurred before receipt of a signed contract can be charged to the proposed contract;
  • Travel that may be required will be separate from this scope of work budget; and,
  • Pauktuutit reserves the right not to award a contract as a result of this RFP.


The proposal must:

  • Include a detailed and specific budget not to exceed $30,000 (inclusive of HST) and that demonstrates that the objectives and deliverables for the project can be met;
  • Indicate the billing rate and specific budget lines;
  • List any other expenses that might be applicable; and
  • Total bid MUST include 13% HST tax.

Rights of the Organization

Pauktuutit reserves the right to:

  • Enter into negotiations with one or more bidders on any or all aspects of this proposal.
  • Accept any proposal in whole or in part.
  • Cancel and/or re-issue this requirement at any time.
  • Award one or more contracts.
  • Verify any or all information provided by the bidder with respect to this requirement.

Contact Information 

Please direct the application to:

Lindsey Bacigal, Communications Coordinator

Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada
520 – 1 Nicholas St. Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7
613-238-3977 ext. 248