Our Needs

Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada, the national representative organization of Inuit women in Canada, is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced web design and development firms to undertake a comprehensive refresh of our current website. The purpose of this initiative is to enhance the user experience, modernize the design, improve functionality, and ensure the website aligns with our brand identity.

Invitation to Vendors

This Request for Proposals (“RFP”) is a targeted invitation to select suppliers to submit proposals to provide web design and development services as described in the Project Scope below. This RFP is issued by Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada, a not-for-profit corporation funded by the federal government. Pauktuutit reserves the right to reject any and all submissions.

Project Scope

The selected vendor will be responsible for the following:

  1. Discovery and Planning:
    • Conduct a thorough analysis of our current website.
    • Use our new strategic plan and policy agenda to define key pages and map content, incorporating both old and new content.
    • Collaborate with our team to define project goals, objectives, and key performance indicators.
  2. Design and Theme:
    • Develop a modern and visually appealing design using the Divi theme, ensuring responsiveness and accessibility.
    • Create prototypes for key pages with a strong focus on user experience and user flow.
  3. Development:
    • Implement the approved design using the Divi theme.
    • Ensure the website adheres to accessibility standards outlined in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA).
    • Multilingual Support: Utilize the WPML plugin for the translation of all pages to Inuktut (translations will be supplied).
    • Set up Google Analytics (GA4) for comprehensive website traffic analysis, including conversion tracking to measure user interactions.
  4. Content Enhancement and Functionality:
    • Re-write content for the web, simplifying wording for better clarity.
    • Set up the website for easy internal updates, providing a map for future content.
    • Improve navigation and user interface for an enhanced user experience.
    • Include a dedicated and easy-to-search resources library for research and publications.
    • Integrate a section for a monthly blog or opinion piece to enhance engagement.
    • Maintain web links to past projects for reference purposes.
  5. Testing:
    • Conduct thorough testing of the website on different devices and browsers.
    • Identify and address any bugs or issues before launch.
  6. Launch:
    • Coordinate the launch of the refreshed website.
    • Provide support post-launch to address any issues that may arise.
    • Provide options for ongoing maintenance on an as-needed basis.
    • All deliverables and payments must be finalised before March 31, 2025


Instructions to Vendors

Proponents should submit their proposals in a single PDF electronic file to Lizzy Devine, communications manager, at ldevine@pauktuutit.ca, and copy communications@pauktuutit.ca.

The subject line should indicate “Website Refresh Proposal.” Proposals submitted in any other manner will not be accepted.


RFP Timeline and Process

  • Issue Date: Septeber 2
  • Inquiries welcome any time before proposal submission date
  • Proposal Submission Deadline: Midnight September 15
  • Vendor Interviews: September 16 – 20
  • Vendor Selection: September 23
  • Project Kick-off: October 14


Mandatory Requirements

The proposal must include:

  • An executive summary
  • A company overview and experience
  • A summary of your approach and methodology, including content enhancement and user experience focus
  • Examples of relevant past work, particularly those using the Divi theme
  • Proposed timeline and milestones
  • Detailed cost estimate, including any ongoing maintenance or support fees (this can be reviewed and resubmitted after virtual interviews if needed.
  • References from previous clients


Evaluation Process

Pauktuutit will evaluate and score proposals based on the following criteria:

Evaluation Criteria Weighting
Qualifications and experience of the Proponent
– Experience and expertise in website design and development with a focus on user experience and flow.


– Proposed team and structure is adequate; team roles are well considered

– Strong relevant qualifications and experience on the team

Organization of Proposal
– Proposal content illustrates a clear knowledge of Pauktuutit’s needs and aligns strongly with the requirements outlined in this RFP


– Proposal is written clearly and is effectively organized

Virtual Interviews
– Thoughtful and high-quality discussion that demonstrates a strong understanding of Pauktuutit’s needs


– Positive interpersonal dynamics and good chemistry with Pauktuutit’s team

– Fairness of price in relation to market value


– Value of services described relative to our needs

Total 100%



All information received by the Proponent provided by or obtained from Pauktuutit in any form or connection with this RFP is the sole property of Pauktuutit and must be treated as confidential.


Please direct the application to:

Lizzy Devine: ldevine@pauktuutit.ca

Copy: communications@pauktuutit.ca  

Deadline for submissions:

September 15, 2024