June 5, 2018 – Pauktuutit’s priority first and foremost is supporting Inuit families and ensuring that no more Inuit women and girls go missing or are murdered. Our thoughts and advocacy circle around the families and survivors who are touched by this tragic, on-going issue. 

We are pleased with the government’s decision to grant a shorter extension for the National Inquiry into Missing and Murder Indigenous Women and Girls, a decision Pauktuutit advocated for and supports. Pauktuutit’s Board of Directors recommended that the Inquiry be given an extension to complete gathering evidence until December 2018, then six months to complete their report and recommendations. We are also most encouraged by the announcement that $21.3 million will be provided for families and survivors to connect them with trauma informed supports and health services. 

President Kudloo stated, “Inuit still need aftercare, real aftercare since there are no resources in the North and a phone call is not enough. This investment is crucial.” 

The current federal government has committed to supporting Indigenous women and girls and Pauktuutit’s Board of Directors feel that the longer the Inquiry takes to present the final recommendations, the longer it will be before communities and families will see action. 

President Kudloo stated, “We’ve come this far and we want the Inquiry to be able to do its work. We should give families and communities the time they need to make their own stories known. The Inquiry must hear from Inuit to fully understand the different circumstances that lead to violence in our communities. But, we also know that action needs to happen soon so communities and families can begin to heal and move forward.” 

Pauktuutit will continue to support the Inquiry in the best interest of Inuit women, families and communities. 


To schedule an interview, please contact Amanda Deseure at 613-238-3977 ext 239 or via e-mail at