Cannabis in Our Communities ‘What We Heard’ Report Summary

Cannabis in Our Communities ‘What We Heard’ Report Summary

Cannabis in Our Communities ‘What We Heard’ Report Summary Project Description For a concise description of what we learned in Phase 1 about the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of Inuit youth and new or expecting parents, read the ‘What We Heard’ Report Summary....

Access to Food Supports in Urban Centres

Access to Food Supports in Urban Centres Food insecurity is the lack of access food primarily due to a lack of money. It’s a serious public health problem that negatively impacts physical, mental, and social health. This problem can become worse for Inuit in...
HIV AIDS Adapted Community Readiness Model

HIV AIDS Adapted Community Readiness Model

HIV AIDS Adapted Community Readiness Model Project Description Pauktuutit partnered with Dalhousie University on a project funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Researched, titled “Adapting the Community Readiness Model (CRM) for HIV/AIDS Prevention, Education...